Labradorite Stars and Moon Sterling Silver Necklace | Stay in Your Magic Star and Moon Necklace

Apart from its captivating appearance, the crescent Moon holds deep symbolic and spiritual significance. Throughout history, its unique form has been interpreted and reinterpreted, woven into the tapestry of human culture and belief.
Fundamentally, the crescent Moon represents femininity and the feminine life-giving principle, due to its association with the menstrual cycle and phase of growth.

Stars have often been associated with the divine and spiritual realms. In many religious and spiritual traditions, stars are seen as celestial beings, representing divine guidance, enlightenment, and connection to higher realms of consciousness.

Stars are often seen as symbols of hope and inspiration. They shine brightly in the darkness, reminding us to keep moving forward and never lose hope, even in the face of challenges or difficult times.

Sterling silver necklace with moon and star labradorite semi-precious beads. These necklaces are 16-18 in and can be adjusted to the desired length.

Each necklace is handmade in the lovely mountains of Asheville, NC which is said to be a spiritual vortex. May you wear them with personal power of the moon.

Labradorite inspires a journey of self-discovery to uncover the essence of who you truly are. Encompassing the unlimited potential of the cosmos, it strengthens your bond and trust in the abundant Universe. Increasing awareness of synchronicity as the working magic of co-creation, it encourages taking aligned action from a place of inner guidance.

Reflecting the astonishing spectrum of the Aurora Borealis, its luminous energy unites the chakras to allow for personal transformation. Overcoming insecurities and illusory beliefs, its brilliance embraces the darker aspects of yourself and brings to light the beauty and power within. Building resilience, Labradorite increases the confidence and courage to stand up to those who try to dim your light.

Opening the inner eye, Labradorite enhances psychic vision by elevating the mind to a higher state of consciousness. Protecting the aura of negative energies, it facilitates shamanic journeys to other worlds and past lives to enhance spiritual healing.